ReLIFE (manga) short review

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Review TypeManga ReviewShort Review
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Thoughts on manga

Manga Author : Yayoi So / 夜宵草

This manga is now my favorite amongst all the manga read. This is really one of heart breaking manga. I was really sad, happy, cried , feel not good sometimes, and various such emotions came. I thought many times that “how Mangaka would like to end this” and after seeing the great developments in characters, I was really amazed by that. All those cute moments, sad moments and various things made me realized that it is a great to have fun.This manga is fully colored from start to end (so you will enjoy more).

Manga ending are really lot more different that anime endings. Manga endings have much more strong impact on me rather than the anime endings. Most of the time I am really really sad but at the same time I am happy. Though I have completed few manga but I have filled with lots of happiness and great experiences that are great. Many manga taught something and it was really really great things and feelings that I got to know. This Manga taught something that was lacking (it encouraged me).

Overall Thoughts

It was really great and taught me a lot 🙂 . It took me one year to complete it though xD. I highly recommend this manga to all the people (taste might differ but I want everyone to experience this manga).

I am really glad to meet the anime in Summer 2016. ReLIFE was my First Seasonal anime and which is why I am here.I am really happy to finish the Manga. This was the second longest read manga, after Nisekoi which was 229 chapters long.

Special Thanks to @Phyonix for pushing me to read the manga in 2018 and I am really glad that I read this manga.

Reading start date : 16th June 2018

Reading completed date : 14th July 2019.